Wednesday, June 17, 2020


因香港近年的社會事件及肺炎疫情,不少社會服務及學習活動演化成嶄新的網絡模式。 服務項目在重重障礙中蛻變重生,為我們帶來什麼啟迪?這是否也代表了社會服務需要新的知識與技巧?

導師簡介:陳智達博士 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授),註冊社工,研究環繞身份、敘事、媒體。多年來,陳博士運用故事與媒體協助個人及社群探索屬於自己的航道,從而更有力地面對困難與挑戰。陳智達在 1990 年代任職學校社工,2000 年代從事中學教育及資訊科技教學,2010 年開始在大學任教社會工作課程及督導實習學生;早年在香港取得社會工作學士、戲劇文憑、哲學碩士等資歷,2008 年在英國倫敦大學取得哲學博士學位。陳博士在理大任教的科目包括敘事治療、人類行為與社會環境、社會工作整合實踐等等。多項研究獲教資會研資局或大型慈善基金資助,包括探討香港人多元身份的數碼媒體說故事、促進開放兼容思維的公民教育方案、消融社會偏見的真人圖書網等等。
主辦單位 :香港社會服務聯會
日期:2020年7月8日 (星期三)
地點:灣仔溫莎公爵社會服務大廈203室 或 以Zoom線上形式參與
名額:40 (實體及線上)
截止日期:2020年7月8日 (星期五)
電話查詢:香港社會服務聯會鄧小姐(2864 2958)


Friday, October 18, 2019

[參與者招募] 真人.廣告集智 -- 論盡香港人


邀請你報名參與 真人廣告集智 -- 論盡香港人


Wednesday, May 15, 2019

【有活動!】5月25日真人.廣告集智 --「街頭藝人多面睇」

「真人.廣告集智」是挑戰智力與創意的工作坊,目的是集思廣益,推動社會議題。5月25日的主題是 「街頭藝人多面睇」。大會將為參與者 提供基本資料,安排嘉賓對談,分組極速度橋,最後即場選出最佳意念獎。得獎者有機會獲得補助,將工作坊得出的構思製作成完整的媒體作品並在真人圖書網播放
時間:2pm – 5:30pm
地點:V303室, 賽馬會創新樓, 香港理工大學
  • 陳智達博士 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授) 講解「真人.廣告集智」意念及細則
  • 李展鑾先生 (有骨戲劇團創辦人, 公關及廣告課程講師, 創意媒體製作人) 分享宣傳心得並主持工作坊
  • 神秘 busker 客串受訪 (可能是任何一位以下「相關故事 Related Stories」列出的人物)


真人. 廣告集智,等緊你埋位!

Thursday, March 7, 2019



申請條件 年滿16歲,有個人途徑接觸大量活動招募對象,有責任感,性別學歷不拘 
工作內容主要為活動持續招募年齡介乎16-24歲,持有永久居民身份之參加者。無特定招募方法,運用個人人際網絡即可 。
查詢: Chris Lau (電郵電話: 54005052) 

Dr Chan Chitat, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences in the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, is now recruiting Recruiter. 

Application Requirements: Aged 16 or above, applicant who has strong network or gets higher chance to expose to the target participant would be highly considered. Strong sense of responsibility. No specific education level, male or female.
Job Duty: A long-term recruitment aims at recruiting participant who aged 16-24 and is permanent Hong Kong resident. No fixed recruitment method.   
Benefit/Salary: High in work-time flexibility, salary will be paid in piece rate. A reward bonus will be given to great contributor.  
Enquiry: Chris Lau (email: 54005052) 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Change and Innovation for Better World: The Future of Social Work Profession--Call for Abstracts

Change and Innovation for Better World:
The Future of Social Work Profession

Conference Date: JUNE 27-28 2019
Venue: Grand Hall, HKU

Submission details:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 
January 31, 2019 (Overseas)
February 18, 2019 (Only for local Hong Kong Agencies)

Notification of Acceptance of abstracts:
February 28, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

【理工大學研究邀請】 — 相說哪邦人: 一個關於身份與影像的研究 【PolyU Research Recruitment】Ethno-national Identity in Images: A Study on Images and Identity

世界之大,你的民族身份是甚麼? 又有甚麼代表著你的民族身份?


目的: 希望探討在社交媒體分享照片能否有助個人整理及表達自己📷


內容: 參與者有機會被隨機分配至第1組別或第2組別,分別是需要完成網上問卷及參與Facebook網上照片分享活動及出席個人訪談 或 只參與網上問卷部份。💪 

日期: 視乎參與者報名日期而定。📆

研究資助: 參與者有機會獲得$200-$500既現金超市禮券 或 $1000電子電器現金禮券(作為優秀作品獎,設名額三個),在活動內更有機會獲得精美獎品。研究資助乎隨機分配之組別而定。💰🎁




What cultural/ ethnic/ national/ daily life symbols can represent you? Lazy guy, Handsome guy, Miss Pretty, Martian, Homosapien, Asian, Chinese, Hongkonger, or Kowlooner? On the Internet, in the world of images, who are you, and which one is you?

Aim:  To investigate in what ways sharing photos on social media can help organizing and expressing oneself.
Participation Requirements: Hong Kong permanent resident, male or female adolescent aged 16-24, can read & speak either Chinese or English. 
Content: Applicants will be randomly assigned to either Group 1 or Group 2. Group 1 participants need to complete online surveys, join online discussion and attend individual interview. Group 2 participants only need to complete online surveys.
Date: Depending on the date of registration (Online discussion lasts for 3 weeks)
Incentives:  Each participant in Group 2 will receive $200 supermarket cash coupon. Each participant in Group 1 will receive $500 supermarket cash coupon; the participant who gets the most number of“likes”in each week will receive a special gift, and; there will be 3 particpants receiving overall outstanding awards, each will receive $1000 cash coupon of electronics & electrical appliances.
Organizer: Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Registration (details included):

Look Forward to Your Participation!

Friday, December 21, 2018




這網站讓學生自主閱讀,也便利 學校/機構預約安排各類分享會,讓學生親身與故事主人翁互動交流。主題包括多元出路、精神健康、少數族裔及其他社會議題。測試版已上線,盼不吝指正。

為宣佈網站正式啟用,講解功能及介紹各類到校服務,我們定於2019115日(星期二)下午2時至4時假香港理工大學李嘉誠樓M1603室舉辦啟動禮及圓桌會議,討論如何善用此學習資源。特邀 鈞座蒞臨參與,集思廣益。圓桌會議分享嘉賓包括:

  • 黎永亮教授 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系系主任及講座教授)
  • 陳卓禧博士 (香港專業進修學校校長)
  • 葉偉儀校長 (佛教黃允畋中學校長)
  • 源迪恩校長 (聖保羅書院校長)
  • 曾錫欣女士 (香港理工大學包玉剛圖書館資訊服務部門主任)
  • 陳智達博士 (香港理工大學應用社會科學系助理教授、真人圖書網絡首席研究員)



Invitation to the launching ceremony and roundtable discussion of the Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub
Stories, flipped classrooms, open-mindedness

Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub aims to support students and the public to explore and deepen their understanding of various kinds of real life stories, and hence encourage further reading and promote open-mindedness. 

The website supports students to search and read inspiring stories, and it also allows students to interact with people behind the stories, by facilitating schools/organizations to make appointments for sharing sessions. Topics include: diverse career paths, mental health, ethnic minorities, etc. You may visit to try our beta version.

We cordially invite you to take part in our event and explore collaboration opportunities on 15 January 2019, 2pm to 4pm, Room M1603, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. A launching ceremony will be held to celebrate the official launch of the website, explain website functions and introduce various types of school-based services. Following the ceremony, a roundtable meeting will be held to discuss the potential use of this learning resource. Panelists include:

  • Prof. LAI Wing Leung Daniel, Chair Professor and Head of APSS, PolyU
  • Dr. CHAN, Cheuk Hay, Principal of Hong Kong College of Technology
  • Mr. YIP Wai Yee, Principal of Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College
  • Mr. YUEN Dick Yan, Principal of St Paul’s College
  • Ms. TSANG Sik Yan Susanna, Section Head (Information Services), Pao Yue-kong Library, PolyU
  • Dr. CHAN Chitat, Assistant Professor, APSS, PolyU; Principal Investigator   

To register online, click here:

Sincerely yours

Chitat CHAN
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences, PolyU
Principal Investigator, Jockey Club PolyU Human Libraries Hub